Parking Problems

Pradeep Kaushik
Pradeep Kaushik
Published in
2 min readAug 27, 2022


I am sick of this! I’m telling you Aman, I am going to go have a fight with this guy. Who does he think he is? Always parking in my spot! I was fuming…

My friend, Aman tried to calm me down but I was not having it. This “parking problem” was not new. It was troubling me from a couple of months now. Every week some new issue and that guy was just taking my space or bumping into my vehicle.

Photo by Ivana Cajina on Unsplash

I already had to take my vehicle to fix some dents twice in the last month itself. How many times was I going to do this? I decided to fix this once and all! I was going to go for a face-face fight with this guy.

But, for that, I needed to prepare. It’s not easy to just go to my parking spot. I needed to save some money, buy more gasoline for my primary and secondary vehicles and some buffer to last the entirety of the fight. How do I even fight? I do remember my great grandpa talking in his time how they would fight in the middle of the road and yell at each other if somebody bumped into them.

How do I do that now?

I do own the parking spot (+27.4,-42,+11) and the cruiser that is parked there and just because Earth is running out of space and they are coming closer to Mars to park their vehicles is it my fault? And why should they take up my space? I own it after years of hard work I did to pay for it. I will fight for it with all I have! But, again how do I fight for it? That needs some serious thought if I do not want to spend too much time and money on this issue!

Hey Aman, how are you? Hey yourself — you’re looking happy and relaxed. How are you doing? Not seen you from the last 2 weeks or so. Everything ok? Any more problems in your parking spot? Nope. All good there! Really? How did you resolve it? Simple. I just sold my cruiser and the spot to the other guy for a handsome profit 😊

